Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Haajinen War Chronicles: Complete Series

I thought it'd be best to create a post that contains all four entries in one spot.

Part 1: The Quiet Retreat
Part 2: Collateral Damage
Part 3: Spy Games
Part 4: The Deep Strike

Overall the war was fairly interesting. We learned a lot about EVE and how to fly. Ultimately, though, the war wasn't on our terms and therefore conflicted with how we like to play. But, that's EVE sometimes. I had other parts of this story envisioned, but ultimately I became busy with work and we largely hung out in station waiting for the war to end.

Enjoy the fiction! Comments welcome, as always.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, it didn't help that I also became busy with work so I basically dropped off for a week. That, plus every time I was on, I never saw the second corp that wardec'd us. I think they must have been overseas in that timezone or something.

    I did learn a LOT about the wardec mechanics, though. These little wars illustrated glaring flaws in the whole system, like the ability to add corp members right before a fight and drop them right afterwards, so there's no accountability for the aggressor's actions.

    Like you said, it wasn't on our terms, and was stacked heavily in favor of our opponents, who could game the system to grief at will while hugging stations/gates for protection should we decide go on the hunt. In the end it was probably best that we didn't have time to play much, or it probably would have derailed us from our goal of getting a POS setup.
